MGGMStudio works through planning, design and management of the living space, thus integrating urban planning, architecture and style. MGGMStudio means architectural art, conceived as a platform junction between theory, esthetic and technique. MGGMStudio is a small team made by its leader, Architect Gian Luca Montanari, and very professional assistants.
A tested work-process, a clear vision and a technological advance. The intrinsic complexity of architectural work is managed through a simplification of the project phase for its linear and harmonic development and control of all critical aspects.
MGGMStudio’s activity is for customers with the need of personalization of the holder they want to use and live in: the coordination of specialty services for a global professional vision and the importance of the space in the process of creation.
MGGMStudio designs for all building types and aims the idea of “critical harmony” in the relationship with the physical and morphologic context , the technical construction quality, according to the economical and functional needs of the customer.
MGGMStudio uses a modern language in the architectural debate of our times. Professionals work together in the customers’ interest. MGGMStudio provides instruments and works on conditions, so that changes are possible.
MGGMStudio promotes a critical approach to the modification of the location, to the relationship between building type and urban morphology, to the innovation of techniques and the communication needs.
Every work focuses on quality and on living wellness of the final user and this through a very accurate and critical process from the project phase to the control of the site under construction.
Gian Luca Montanari
Gian Luca Montanari gets a diploma in arts (diploma di maestro d'arte) after the third year of upper secondary school and a school-leaving certificate in applied arts (field: Architecture) on 22 July 1989. He graduates in Architecture with highest honours (110/110 cum laude) at the University of Florence on 10 July 1997 with the dissertation "Plan Especial de Reforma Interior (PERI) del Front Maritim del Poble Nou, Barcelona" (supervisors: Prof. Arch. Rosario Vernuccio and Prof. Arch. Carlos Ferrater Lambarri; examiner: Arch. Adolfo Natalini).
- He becomes a member of the Architects Register of the Province of Modena on 9 March 1998 (number 440).
- He becomes a member of the "Collegi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya", Barcelona (Spain) on 15 January 1999 (number 30.229-5).
In 2000 he founds the architectural firm "MGGMStudio" located in Via Dallai 2/A, Carpi (Modena).
Architecture competitions & awards
Sole winner of the EDOARDO COLLAMARINI PRIZE for the academic year 1996/1997 (prize for graduates in Architecture born in the provinces of Bologna, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Piacenza, Forlì, Ravenna, Ferrara and Rimini set up by a Decree of the Education Minister on 25 March 1965). The Prize was received on 30 September 2000 during an event in S.Mattia's Church in Bologna, attended by Arch. Stefano Zironi (President of the Architects Register), Arch. Julio Mauricio Barbieri (President of the Architects Register of the Province of Modena), Prof. Andrea Emiliani (President of Accademia di Belle Arti and Accademia Clementina of Bologna) and Arch. Luigi Vignali from Bologna.
- 2003 Grand Prize
Sole winner of the "Grand Prize" at the International Architectural Competition on the Use of Aluminium "MEDITERRANEAN ARCHITECTURAL COMPETITION", with the "Nuovo Hotel Touring" project, sponsored by UIA (Unione Internazionale Architetti); the jury included Arch. Thomas Herzog and Arch. Alexandros Tombazis. The prize was awarded in Athens on 3 November 2003.
- Concorsi per Gallarate
Third place at the competition "“CONCORSI PER GALLARATE: IDENTITA’ URBANA: SPAZI PUBBLICI ED ELEMENTI NATURALI", organised by the Municipality of Gallarate and IN/ARCH sezione regionale Lombardia (piazze e sagrati)
- Parco delle Acque Chiare
In October 2002, with Arch. Carlos Ferrater's team, he participates in a project named "Parco delle Acque Chiare" for the creation of a residential area in Reggio Emilia.
- Mito e luoghi: Ferrari e Maranello
DOMUS ACADEMY (Milan): Workshop for the design of new urban quality “MITO E LUOGHI: FERRARI E MARANELLO”, organised by Arch. Andrea Branzi and Arch. Michele Zini (with publication of the project).
- Workshop di Progettazione "Alvaro Siza"
Associazione Culturale Abaco per l'Architettura (in cooperation with the Municipality of Vicenza, IUAV Architettura Venezia and the Architects Registry of Vicenza): WORKSHOP DI PROGETTAZIONE "ALVARO SIZA" (organised by Prof. Arch. Alvaro Siza and Arch. Carlos Castanheira). Chosen among 30 candidates coming from all over Europe with the "PROGETTO PER UN CENTRO DIOCESANO E MUSEO ANNESSO IN PIAZZA DUOMO A VICENZA" project, published in “Workshop di progettazione Alvaro Siza”, Abacoarchitettura, 2000.
- Art Museum Of Estonia, Tallin
International design competition “ART MUSEUM OF ESTONIA, TALLIN” - Work Group led by Arch. Prof. Rosario Vernuccio - SPECIAL MENTION
- Mies Van de Rohe headquarters
International competition of ideas: Mies Van de Rohe headquarters in Barcelona, Spain
- COAC (Collegi dʼarquitects de Barcelona)
International competition of ideas: COAC (Collegi dʼarquitects de Barcelona) stand at construmat
- Oltredora Neighborhood Redevelopment, Collegno
International Design Competition: Oltredora Neighborhood Redevelopment, Collegno - Main Square, Civic center, Selfgovernment committee headquarter, service building for local weekly open market, general renovation of all public spaces, with the employment of innovative and noise reducing materials. —> Single Participation - PRIZED PROJECT - 4th place
- Petrosino in Sorisole Church, Bergamo
- Public Spaces And Natural Elements
Urban Design Contest:” Public Spaces And Natural Elements”, Gallarate. (Open competition promoted by Gallarate city council and IN/ARCH LOMBARDIA) —> Single participation - SPECIAL MENTION - 3rd
- Mediterranean Architectural Competition
International Competition: “Mediterranean Architectural Competition”, promoted by UIA (International Architects Union) and Etem Elval. Submitted project: Touring Hotel —> First prize
- New Balken Headquarters, Bressanone
Invited Competition
- Tower House Renovation, Treviso
Project for the complete refurbishment of the tower building —> First prize